Citizen Conference Of Parties
“United for GOOD”

Resolution 1 (2022)

The General Assembly of the Citizen Conference Of Parties,

Recalling the United Nations resolution 70.1 and its program on sustainable development by 2030, as well as the Paris Agreement (2015)

Recalling the Call to Humanity of 11,000 scientists from 153 countries in 2019 ,

Recalling the statutes of the Citizen Conference Of Parties,

Aware that 9 countries out of 10 are going backwards in terms of human development ,

Aware that several series of figures delivered at regular intervals by different international organizations confirm the extent and acceleration of the phenomenon of biodiversity erosion and climate change.

Aware that the causes of the difficulties in implementing UN Resolution 70.1 can be solved through a learning transdisciplinary co-piloting, and valuing diversity, coherence and equity, in both anticipation and follow-up.

Welcoming the progress of research, infrastructures and connections in the following fundamental areas :

Welcoming with satisfaction all the upskilling for the benefit of SDG 17: pedagogy, management, facilitation, regenerative impact finance, management, risk anticipation and co-development of trust in uncertain areas.

Resolves :

Adopted in General Assembly on November 06, 2022


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